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Our Activities

The need to propagate scientific temper in the society is evident now more than ever. Poetry of reality is an initiative from a group of science students to the cause. As science students we realize that it is our duty and responsibility. Our journey had a humble beginning in the form of the blog "Poetry of Reality". It is the necessity of the time that scientific temper should become engraved into public consciousness. 


Updated: Mar 12, 2023

Python workshop conducted on 15th and 16th May 2022. The class was led by Gagan Lal (Computer Engineering, NIT Calicut) and Varghese Reji (Research Scholar, TIFR Mumbai).

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Updated: Mar 12, 2023

The second season of Seeking answers quiz conducted in 2022 for U P children. The competition was in two stages with Ms.Chinnumol Sebastian as the quiz master.

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Updated: Mar 12, 2023

"Nothing but Science" is a science talk series presented by Poetry of Reality. Instead of big lectures, the program offered a venue for new scientific researches and discoveries along with casual discussions on science like a chat over coffee. It focuses on popularizing science and scientific research.

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The need to propagate scientific temper in the society is evident now more than ever. Poetry of reality is an  initiative from a group of science students to the cause. As science students, we realize that it is our duty and responsibility.

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